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How to wire CDP-2

The CDP-2 Snow Sensor Control/Display Panel is used in conjunction with a DS Series Rain/Snow Sensor Controller. The sensor is typically mounted on a roof, near a gutter, or in a similarly difficult location to reach. The CDP-2 provides a method of remotely monitoring and controlling the attached sensor. The user may monitor both the operating mode and the activation state of the sensor. The user may also set the sensor to prohibit automatic operation, to automatically operate, or to manually operate one snow melting cycle, then return to automatic operation. The CDP-2 derives its power from the snow sensor and requires no batteries or AC power. With an operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C the CDP-2 is designed for use either indoors or outdoors with proper protection from the elements.


Installation requires an appropriate 5-conductor cable between the snow sensor and the CDP-2. The cable conductors must be tinned, stranded, min 22AWG copper and overall shielding is required. An appropriate selection is Belden® 9941 or equiv. CAT5 or similar is not acceptable. A CS-1 pigtail cable may be included with the CDP-2 but is only needed for the older DS-2B, DS-8, and DS-5. The CDP-2 can be installed as much as 500 feet away from the snow sensor if proper cable is used. Remove all power to the snow sensor, open its cover, and install the 5-conductor cable between the sensor and the CDP-2 enclosure. Ground the shield “drain” wire on one end only and terminate the cable leads following the table below:


The CDP-2 may be installed in a conventional single or multi gang standard electrical enclosure. If installed in a multi gang enclosure next to high voltage equipment the CDP-2 and its interconnecting cable must be isolated from high voltage wires and devices. Consult local electrical codes to determine the isolation methods required. Remove 2 in. (50mm) of outer insulation and shield from the 5-conductor cable. Remove ¼ in. (6mm) of insulation from the individual inner conductors. Following the above table press the clamp button on the terminal block, insert the bare lead into the clamp hole, then release.

The CDP-2 faceplate can be grounded to reduce the chances of damage due to static shock. This can be an important consideration when operating in a very dry environment in the winter. Remove 1 in.
(25mm) of insulation from the green EGND lead and connect this lead to an electrical ground lead using a wire nut or equivalent. Install the CDP-2 into the electrical enclosure using the two screws provided. The screws are compatible with both metallic and non-metallic enclosures. Once installation is complete a “modular” electrical cover plate can be installed. Compatible types include the Leviton® Decora® and Hubbell® Styleline series.

For more, see the full manual.




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