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Does Warmup Underfloor Heating Comply with Title 24?

Install with Confidence…and Compliance with Title 24

The California Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards are designed to ensure new and existing buildings achieve energy efficiency and preserve outdoor and indoor environmental quality. We have included below useful information regarding underfloor heating and Title 24. To ensure compliance, please consult with a building professional.


Title 24 method allows supplemental heating systems in the form of underfloor heating . A designer may elect to provide supplemental heating to a space such as a bathroom that already has a vent to a main heating system. In these instances, install the supplemental heating system in a space served by the primary heating system. Ensure the systems thermal capacity is less than 2 kilowatts (kW) or 7,000 Btu/hr and controlled by a time-limiting device not exceeding 30 minutes.

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Primary heating is allowed under the performance compliance method for electric resistance and electric radiant heating installations. In these instances, include your underfloor heating in the energy performance analysis to comply with the Building Energy Standards. See section 4.2.2 of the 2016 Residential Compliance Manual. If radiant heat is embedded or under a slab floor, the slab is required to meet slab edge insulation requirements of section 110.8(g). Additionally, if the radiant heat is on top of the slab floor, then there are no slab edge insulation requirements. This is clarified in Blueprint issue # 111.

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For jobs where you would like total control of heat output we recommend our DCM-PRO system. The DCM-PRO Floor Heating System combines the powerful DCM-PRO heating cable, the 1/4” thick antifracture DCM-PRO Membrane and the 4iE Smart Thermostat, to bring you a luxurious, efficient, heat source. Adjust the spacing of the cable to impact heat output. Cable spacing will vary output from 11W/sqft to 20W/sqft.


Control all unitary heating systems, including heat pumps, by a setback thermostat. These thermostats must be capable of allowing the occupant to program temperature set points for at least 4 periods within a 24-hour time span. For example, program the thermostat with specific temperature set points starting at 6:30am, 9am, 4:30pm and 9pm. Use a “smart thermostat” to minimize the use of supplementary heating using startup and recover from setbacks.

The Warmup 4iE Smart WiFi Thermostat is Title 24 compliant. For total control of your thermostat, at home or away, the device is available in a WiFi version. Using the MyHeating app or any web browser, you can have total control of your thermostat from any location. Additionally, for effortless control of your system, enable the SmartGeo™ feature. When in use, SmartGeo™ will use your location to activate your heating system based on your proximity to home.


The Warmup DCM-PRO system controlled with the4iE Smart WiFi thermostat complies with the Title24 requirements to provide PRIMARY HEATING in residential dwellings. Using Electric Underfloor Heating as a Primary Heat source is particularly appealing to those homeowners benefiting from Solar Power generation. Another key factor is the ability to zone the heating, accurately control temperature and operating times, and (depending on the system) store the heat into a thermal mass (concrete slab). Read more about Warmup’s solution for the Electrification of Heat.


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