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Is my Terra Thermostat on?

To see a highlight video on the Terra heating indicator, be sure watch the video or instructions below.

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Is my Terra Thermostat on?

  • If you do not see the heating indicator icon lit, it means that the thermostat is not sending power to the floor.
  • To turn your thermostat on, your target temperature needs to be raised above your current temperature.
  • Use the arrows to set a higher target temperature.
  • Press accept to confirm.
  • Once the target temperature is set above the current floor/air temperature, the heating indicator (o) will appear in the top right-hand corner of your thermostat screen.
  • The heating indicator icon represents that the heating system is currently active. It indicates that the thermostat is calling for heat and the heating system is actively working to raise the temperature to the set point. The icon may vary depending on the specific thermostat model, but on Warmup’s Terra Smart WiFi Thermostat, it is represented by a white glowing dot.


If you have any further questions about our thermostats and/or its heating indicator, feel free to ask. Our customer support team can be reached at 888-927-6333.


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