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Heated Sidewalks and Walkways

Pipe Freeze Protection

Warmup cables are designed to protect PVC and metal pipes, ceramic drains and sprinkler lines in standard and hazardous environments.

reel of self regulating cable


Spools are available in 250, 500 & 1000ft lengths, and outputs of 5W & 8W. Cables are rated for Class 1 Div 2 and Class 1 Div 1 environments.

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unjacketed cable

Non-Jacketed Spools

This non-jacketed cable is suitable for indoor residential pipe protection. Available in 250ft spools with connection accessories.

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self regulating cable in packaging

Plug-In Kits

From 6ft to 100ft, these kits are ideal for DIY plug-in environments. Rated Wet and Dry for Pipe Freeze Protection and Roof/Gutter Deicing.

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speed fit pro close up


In-line splicing box for fast and weathertight connections in the field.

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inside of speedfit box


Power connection junction box (6 x6 x3) with a pipe-mounting bracket for self-regulating connections.

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speedfit tee


3-Way T-Splice box for fast and weathertight connections in the field.

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TRF 115 controller


Ambient temperature control for pipe freeze protection and deicing applications. It can be set from 0°F to 120°F trigger point. It comes with a 5ft bulb sensor. 25A (120/208 and 240V).

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Trace 2 freeze protection controller


“Plug and Play” controller and power panel for heat tracing cables on freeze protection and deicing applications.

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copper pipe with pipe freeze cable wrap

Pipe Freeze Protection

In cold climates, it is necessary to plan ahead to ensure that pipes, sprinkler systems, and sewer drains do not freeze. Warmup self-regulating cable is a perfect solution for these applications because it regulates its output depending on the ambient temperature, making it more energy-efficient to run. Warmup self-regulating cable is well suited for both residential and industrial applications and can be installed indoors and out.

gutter with hanging icicles

How does it work?

Warmup cables are built with two copper conductors separated by a polymer matrix that expands and contracts with the ambient temperature. This, in turn, varies the output of the cable, so that the colder it gets, the more heat it puts out. Cables are secured to pipes in linear or spiraling fashion and connected to automatic temperature controllers.

self regulating cables temperature table

Maximum Circuit Length

hand holding copper pipe with cable


Code Description
TAPE-AL Aluminum foil tape for self-regulating cable. Sold in 180ft roll
SR-LBL Pack of 10 warning labels.
SR-ZT-100 Pack of 100 heavy duty zip ties, 7″ long.
POWER-KIT Power connection kit for self-regulated cable. Includes 2 warning labels
END-KIT End Seal Kit for Self-Regulating Cable
SPLICE-KIT Spice/Tee kit for self-regulated cable
SR-SFIT-BOX Power connection junction box (6x6x3) with pipe mounting bracket.
SR-SFIT-SPLICE In-line splicing box for fast and weathertight connections in the field
SR-SFIT-TEE 3-Way T-Splice box for fast and weathertight connections in the field
SR-SFIT-PRO Non-strip field connection box.
JHE-L-GET Lit end cap for self regulating cable.

pipe freeze cable on roof

Spool Sizing Guide

Self-Regulating Cable – 120V 250ft Spools

Length(ft) Code Watts Volts
250 SR-5W-120-250 5/in 120
250 SR-8W-120-250 8/in 120

Self-Regulating Cable – 240V 250ft Spools

Length(ft) Code Watts Volts
250 SR-5W-240-250 5/in 240
250 SR-8W-240-250 8/in 240

Self-Regulating Cable – 120V 500ft Spools

Length(ft) Code Watts Volts
500 SR-5W-120-500 5/in 120
500 SR-8W-120-500 8/in 120

Self-Regulating Cable – 240V 500ft Spools

Length(ft) Code Watts Volts
500 SR-5W-240-500 5/in 240
500 SR-8W-240-500 8/in 240

Self-Regulating Cable – 120V 1000ft Spools

Length(ft) Code Watts Volts
1000 SR-5W-120-1000 5/in 120
1000 SR-8W-120-1000 8/in 120

Self-Regulating Cable – 240V 1000ft Spools

Length(ft) Code Watts Volts
1000 SR-5W-240-1000 5/in 240
1000 SR-8W-240-1000 8/in 240

self regulating cable in packaging

Kit Sizing Guide

Self-Regulating Cable – Kits

Length(ft) Code Watts Volts
6 SR-K6FT with plug 5/lin 120
12 SR-K12FT with plug 5/in 120
18 SR-K18FT with plug 5/in 120
24 SR-K24FT with plug 5/in 120
50 SR-K50FT with plug 5/in 120
75 SR-K75FT with plug 5/in 120
100 SR-K100FT with plug 5/in 120

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Transform the way you heat your home with Warmup, the world’s best-selling floor heating brand.

Quoting Tools: instant, accurate, flexible

Warmup offers an extensive range of electric floor systems compatible with all floor types, rooms and projects.

Indoor Systems

  • ✓ Ideal as a primary heat source for whole-house heating
  • ✓ Ideal for zones less than 250ft²
  • ✓ Ideal for single rooms
  • ✓ Does not alter floor levels
  • ✓ Great for renovations

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Outdoor Systems

  • ✓ Ideal for zones under 3,000ft²
  • ✓ Ideal for residential and commercial projects
  • ✓ Compatible with existing roofs & driveways
  • ✓ Works with asphalt, concrete, and pavers
  • ✓ Great for new construction

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Projects Division Consultation

  • ✓ Bespoke heating solutions for new-build projects and larger renovations
  • ✓ Dedicated team to work with you
  • ✓ Detailed system layouts for each stage of the project

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