Miscellaneous questions

What is the acceptable deflection for a floor that will be tiled?

“Traditionally, the accepted minimum requirement for floor rigidity is L/360 – before the tile underlayment is installed. The L/360 standard means that the floor should not deflect more than the “span” divided by 360. If the span of the joists is 10 feet (between supports), then the deflection should not be more than 1/3″ between […]

SOLVED: Error Code 120: kWh rate entered in the wrong format.

If you receive the error code – 120, the cost has been entered incorrectly. KWh rates are in cents (₵), not dollars. Anything less than a dollar has to be entered starting with a decimal. Example: 14.5₵ per kWh should be entered as .145.

What is the maximum self regulating wattage on a PVC pipe?

8W/LF self regulating heating cable(s) CAN be used on PVC pipes. Generally, the maximum self regulating wattage temperature for PVC items is 95C (200F) the heaters in our range will not get anywhere near that in normal operation.

Why does my thermostat set into open window function and decreases my set temperature?

Welcome to our informative post on learning more about the open window function on your Warmup Smart Thermostat. Follow along down below to read more about this function.

Can my thermostat connect to Google Home?

Yes, your thermostat can connect to your Google Home. Read the instructions down below to find out how!

What kind of floors can I put on top of electric radiant heat?

Today’s flooring choices are endless, but when choosing a floor covering to go over your Warmup heated floor, review the R-value and pick flooring that has an R-value of one (1) or less. R-values higher than one (1) would be considered an insulator that would trap heat in the floor and cause overheating (e.g., certain […]

What are the dimensions of the 6iE custom background image?

The 6iE custom background screen dimensions are 3 1/2 inches diagonally. However, image scaling is not required thanks to auto-scaling when you upload your custom background.

Should I insulate underneath my snow-melting system?

Adding insulation both under a slab and near its exposed edges reduces heat loss into the ground and allows the slab to heat more quickly, which lowers total operating costs.

How fast will my snow-melting system heat up?

A snow-melting system is most efficient when the slab is preheated. As a rule of thumb, a snow-melting system should start preheating for 1 -2 hours before the arrival of snow/ice.

Are Warmup thermostats compatible with Matter?

Matter, previously known as Project Connected Home over IP (CHIP), is not compatible with Warmup thermostats at this time.

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