Preparing for your project

Does every room with floor heat need its own thermostat?

Want to learn more about the thermostat requirements for floor heating? This post explores several factors you should consider.

Do Warmup thermostats zone?

If you are looking to heat multiple spaces separately, you will require multiple thermostats. Read more in this post about zoning.

Can a gravel driveway be heated?

Are you wondering if a gravel driveway can be heated with surface snow melting heating cables? Learn more about the abilities of our products here.

What product do I use if I need 110V?

Do you have 110 volt available for your project? Learn what product is best for you to use in this quick post on the topic.

Is there a 120 volt Relay-25?

Find more information out about 120-volt relays by Warmup in this short post full of resources.

Is there a maximum mirror thickness when using a mirror defogger?

Are you wondering about mirror thickness when using a mirror defogger? Learn more about it in this quick post on the topic.

Do I need more than one waterproofing kit?

Wondering what is inside the Warmup Waterproofing Kit and how far it will get you? Do you need more than one? This post will give you an idea of both.

Do I need a waterproofing kit?

Wondering if you need a waterproofing kit for your project? This post will tell you our recommendation.

How many packages of fixing strips do I need?

Are you installing the DCM-PRO cable without the DCM-PRO membrane? You will need fixing strips. This post tells you how many for each cable size.

Do I need insulation?

Wondering if you need insulation for your upcoming floor heating project? Learn more in this post about our recommendation.

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